One of my dearest friends convinced me to run in Disney's Tower of Terror 10 Miler, this fall. It's supposed to be slightly spooky. More specifically, the race is about 12 weeks away. I seem to have fallen off the running wagon, and have printed out a 15K running plan to help me get back on track. 15K is roughly 9.6 miles, which is close enough to 10 to make me happy.
I now have to find balance between school (classes open tomorrow!), working nigh shift (I transition to 7pm-7am next week), and working out. My husband is super-supportive, and loves my positive sassy attitude I get when I'm my happy, fit self.
Tonight on the training plan was the task to weight train. Unfortunately, my gym closes early on Sundays, and I had to work 7am-7pm today. I got brave and busted out a work-out that I haven't done in months. After reading The 4-Hour Body, I ran right out and bought a kettlebell, and got into the habit of doing some kettlebell swings nightly before bed. Again, life fell apart when my Mom got sick, and the kettlebell got covered by a pile of clothes on my bedroom floor. Tonight, I pulled out my 'bell and the video that came with it, and I gave it my all. I'll let you know if I can't move tomorrow!
Deep Dish Veggie Pizza
6 years ago
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