I'm struggling with this transfer to the night shift. On Tuesday, which should have been my Day 2 of this week, my daughter showed me an infected looking area on her arm. Funny, we just went through this with her leg. I finally decided enough is enough and got her in to see a new pediatrician. I will say I'm disappointed in the office for not having any nurse practitioners on staff, but I've heard great things about this ped, and it's an all-women physician group and my daughter is very shy about her modesty. It was a great visit and we now have to make a few follow ups to get to the bottom of this issue.
So, having to work Tuesday night, I chose a nap over a run and called Tuesday a wash.
Moved Day 2 over to Wednesday (yesterday). We were hopping at work all night Tuesday and so by the time I feel asleep Wed morning, I slept hard. Woke up at 3:30 and sat outside talking to the hubby while the kids were in the pool, then decided to go for a run.
Plan: 3 Miles
Actual: 1 Mile
Temperature outside: 97 degrees.
Mental note: That gym membership is not just a monthly donation, please consider running indoors if you are really serious about following this plan.
Deep Dish Veggie Pizza
6 years ago
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