I woke up at 2:30am this morning. Got dressed in my awesome outfit and jumped in the mini-van. I made a quick stop into the 24 hour CVS near my house for something to drink during the drive. The cashier gave me a funny look, and so I said, "you know, just because it's 2:45am, that's no reason to be dressed like a freak. Do you wear that all the time?" and he cracked up laughing! There was little to no traffic on I-4 and I was nearly to Epcot when I started to look for my direction for where to park, but in true Disney fashion, there was a blinking road sign directing me where to go. I arrived to the parking lot, did not have a bag to check, and so headed over to the Corrals.

I knew I was anxious about starting and so I snapped a picture of where I was parked and that came in handy when it was time to go!

See, honey, other people are dressed in fun outfits, too. My husband thought I was crazy for dressing up to run my first half marathon.

See, I'm pretty tame. The outfit wore well. Under my skirt, I have running shorts and my new Spibelt that I got at the expo. It is packed with my cell, van key, wet wipes, napkins and *cough, cough* mother nature decided to deliver her monthly package yesterday, and so I had to be prepared with all of that paraphernalia - not what I was planning on.

I was in Corral D, which I managed to get there so early I was near the very front. My friends were further back, but my confidence was waining in my ability to keep pace and I was afraid to move back into the last Corral, I needed that cushion of time for extra bathroom breaks and I was cramping up a storm so I wasn't sure how fast I'd be at times (sorry for the TMI). I teared up as usual during the National Anthem, both at the song and at the over 17,000 princesses that all of a sudden became quiet to show their respect. I chatted with some great ladies in my Corral waiting to start. It was warm enough out that I didn't bring any throw-away clothes. The first Corral took off and it was one lone wheelchair racer - the fireworks when off and the big screen showed the one wheelchair racer and all of the princess erupted into a cheer of support.

There I am grinning like a fool, I'm nervous and excited and really can't even believe that I'm there. I'm no
real runner and will spend more time walking than running, but I'm out of bed and I'm doing something I never thought I'd do!

Oh wow, it's our turn all ready. Fair Godmother counted us down and sent us off with our very own burst of fireworks and it was game on!

Because I was so packed in, I had to keep pace with those around me and I feel like I was going to fast. Sure enough, when I looked at my watch, I was going to run a 10 min mile. While I ordinarily run a 12 min mile, I knew I needed to save some gas in the reserve for the end, so I slowed considerably after the first mile.

The times on the mile markers are the times that the event has been going on. So as soon as the first runner passed over the starting line, the event clock is started.

Ok, so there's a lot of folks ahead of me. I'm feeling nervous, so I pull my Jeff Galloway podcast up and feel comforted because that's how I trained, with a run/walk interval. I felt like Lightening McQueen, "find your groove and make it stick" and I was feeling good!

Nope, I don't know these folks, but I wanted a picture of the mile marker! Mile 2 came pretty quickly and I was feeling pretty confident.

That is, until somewhere around the pirate boat, when I started to hear a roar of applause and cheering, I looked over on the other side of the road and there was the wheelchair racer heading past us. And then the first few runners heading past us over there. I'm pretty sure they were running to actually
run the race and not to seek out a picture with Mickey Mouse. I waiting in line for 15 min to use the potty, since I've had a lot of water already. Glad I brought the hand sanitizer and tissue.

I never saw if the hot air balloon took off, or if it stayed down during the whole event.

"I Need a Hero" was blaring louder than my podcast, and so I came out of my running zone and jumped in line to see these handsome guys. My daughter LOVES this picture. My husband feels a bit threatened. :)

Oh my goodness, the Magic Kingdom is coming up. Really, time is flying by! And I'm loving every second of this!

I almost called my mom right about here, but cell phone use during a race is terrible etiquette. Mom loves Elvis and "Blue Suede Shoes" was blaring. How could I not get a picture with Elvis/Stitch! A good tip is that every time I was standing in a line (which was only for a few minutes each for most things), I stretched my calfs and hammies. I really think it helped me to finish in an upright position!

My daughter loves hula girls and so this one's for you, sweetie!

Mile Marker 4 and I'm feeling pretty good. Starting to get a little tired, but still confident that I'll finish this thing! I've seen a lot of great costumes and some awesome shirts.

These drummers were awesome and gave me a boost of energy with their pounding. It seemed as though my running cadence was matching their beat for as long as I could here them.

Oh, hey, is that the Contemporary? Right about now, I'm thinking some Mickey Head pancakes from Chef Mickey's sounds pretty good. I realize I'm hungry and pull a Gu out of my pouch and squeeze that down. I think my early nervousness burned off some of my energy reserves.

I appreciate how Disney was trying to give some entertainment along the course to keep folks moving. In true Disney fashion it didn't feel as crowded during some parts, and it was shoulder-to-shoulder at other parts.

Mile 5 and I'm thinking to myself, "really, I've only gone 5 miles, because I'm getting pretty tired". But I'm soooo close to the Magic Kingdom, you can do it, you can do it...now, I'm talking to myself in my head. This whole time I still have one ear bud in with Jeff Galloway cheering me on and helping me pace myself.

I loved these ladies! And I love Lulumon stuff. But these ladies where yelling encouragement to anyone and everyone! Many people had their names on their shirts, or "wish me a happy birthday" kind of thing.

Yippee! This is what every princess has trained for...the run through the castle! I found a nice cast member to take my picture and she gave me a hug and said she was proud of me. Awwww...I love Disney employees!

Chip and Dale were hanging around with no line, so I strolled up to them for a minute.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, I love these guys! Another no-liner that seemed like a fun photo opportunity!

I could hear the trumpets before I made it to the castle, and then I saw them! Royal Minnie and Mickey! I waited nearly 13 minutes for a picture, because, really, when will I have the chance to do this again (next year? :) )Although, a panic set in, when I saw the dreaded "balloon lady". There is a lady walking that had 2 pink balloons floating over her from her waistband. You have to be in front of her at the mile markers, of you will be transported back to the start, unable to finish the race. Balloon lady yelled to all of us near Mickey and said that if we are not in front of her in the next half mile, when we hit the next marker, we'll be getting on the bus. Oh, no! Sure enough, right behind her are the bike riders telling folks to keep moving. Everyone was really nice about it, but I realized I better quite goofing off act get to running!

So in a sprint, I passed balloon lady and moved onto Mile 6. The man at the mile marker said I was a full minute in front of the pace time, and so I took that to build on, since I wanted a bigger window than that!

I didn't stop to see Genie, or any of the other characters over there. However, it looks like there may have been a character in this area that is taking a break, so I got a cast member to snap a quick picture of me giving a thumbs up, since I'm still in the game!

A big shout-out to the Reedy Creek Fire crew! And while I'm at it, I saw some awesomeness from the Medics. By now, it's hot and some folks are slowing down (including me!). There was a couple of medics on bikes that stayed right beside a few older folks and went to get them bottles of water. I love how everyone wants to see us all succeed.

Mile 7 and balloon lady is no where near me, I'm good! I feel good, getting my second wind, I decide to run most of this mile instead of walk/run.

My husband loves this picture, you can see my express is "oh crap, where did she come from". The freakin' balloon lady was walking by, meaning I'm loosing time by goofing off. Oh, well, I caught her before, I can catch her again! Fortunately, there are ASI photographers at most of the characters and I hope their pictures came out better than mine!

I'm in a full on sprint to make up time, so I'm not stopping, but wow, what a beautiful carriage. I'm sure it's reasons like this that people get married at Disney.

Still sprinting, I pass Aurora and her prince. I could have stopped, but I see Donald ahead.

We've just gone past the Shades of Green and the Polynesian. I've seen the Magic Kingdom fireworks from the beach on the Poly, so I'm feeling triumphant about how far back the MK is. I stop to chat it up with Donald for a bit.

Hey, Mile 8, wow, where did that come from! I decided that since I'm making good time, I'm going to walk for a bit, since I am tired and it is getting difficult weaving in and out of people.

I think I was actually faster walking than running, because Mile 9 came up really quick!

I didn't want to get in the long line to see the pirates, I was feeling tired and very, very hot right now.

Mile 10, just 3 more! I'm almost done and I'm feeling good! I'm still upright and I'm moving forward.

Oh, no, is this the dreaded overpass? Ick, how yucky to have it when we are all exhausted! Funny how the slant in the road really changes how your feet hit the ground.

I heard the army men yelling at us, "go, go, go" and it was pretty cute. I was feeling quite tired and was full on walking now. Uphill, a large group of people, yup, I've given up running this overpass stretch!

Mile 11 was upon me and I'm feeling my second wind (or maybe third or fourth right about now!) Really, 2 more, 2 more! I'm so close to finishing.

Flexing my strong self with Mrs. Incredible. After a quick pose, I'm back on the road.

Mile 12 and I'm getting positively giddy! It's so close. Look, Epcot is right there!

The flowers smelt fantastic! Oh, no, Blogger is being crazy and my pictures from here get all out of order.

This is a shot after my finish with my step-mom.

Here is a shot with my father, they drove down from Pennsylvania.

My finish line picture with Mickey and Minnie. Really, what's a few more minutes on the clock?

Mile Marker 13, I did it! 13 miles down!

My hands-down favorite part, the choir at the turn towards mile 13 maker. It was very emotional hearing those voices singing songs of praise.
That's my story of the half. I'm tired and off to take an Epsom salts bath!