Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm an Ostrich

Yup, that's right. I've got my head in the sand and my big butt in the air.

There...admitting it is the first step.

The second step...calling my doctor to make an appointment for an annual physical.

Oh, wait, did you say annual...since I seemed to have done this pretty regularly when I was in baby-making mode, but not now. It's been almost 6 years since my last pap/complete physical. The last time I had a physical, I was breastfeeding full time and weighed 129 pounds. My labwork was great and I was in the best shape of my life. Did I mention I had a 6 month old, 24 month old and a 3 1/2 year old? And I'm complaining now that I can't find time to work exercise into my day. Hmmmph...time to give that more though.

After casual conversation with some physician friends, I am showing classic thyroid/stress hormone problems. Ugg...I've always been annoyed by the Oprah-like excuse people use for their weight-gain, "my thyroid is off". But now, I feel empowered that there's a real reason why my weight watchers weigh-in is showing +9 for the past couple of weeks. I won't even put a picture of my weight on here, because I wasn't brave enough to want to see it every time scrolled through my pictures so I deleted it. To coin another phrase that I detest...it is what it is.

So, I'm still around. I have found that I avoid going out with friends because I don't have any clothes that fit me. There, that's my confession....

...I'm 30 pounds heavier than I should be, and I look about 6 months pregnant.

My doctor's appointment is the first week of August, and I'm making my list of questions now.

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