I took everything out of the pantry last week and tossed anything that was expired. For more information about expired foods you could look here at this article about what all those sell-by, display until and expires on dates mean.
After putting the pantry all back together, I moved the fruit rack from one of the kitchen counters (the kids couldn't reach it) down to a lower surface for easy after school access.
I also went through all of our dried fruits, pretzels, banana chips and other fun school lunch snacks and packaged them in sandwich baggies. I realize this is a huge area that I need to work on, because while it is more convenient for me to just grab a baggie and send it in a lunchbox it's not as green as I'd like to be with our lunch packings. I use a laptop lunchbox for my lunch when I bring lunch to work. I'm considering purchasing one for each of the kids, but again, it's more of a want than a need right now.
Anyhow, I thought I'd share my tiny pantry make-under and the easy access snack areas to chase the "I'm hungry" monsters away after school and to ease the lunch-packing rush in the morning. I pack 15 lunches weekly and could use any tips or trips you got!

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