I'm not sure I ever posted a recap of the Tower of Terror 10 Miler, so I'll do that sometime soon.
School keeps me busy, as well as the kids' activities and working night-shift. I'm now officially nocturnal, as it's nearly 2am and I can't sleep. Of course, I'm "on-call" for the hospital tonight, so it's nights like this that I can't sleep for fear of missing my phone ringing.
This week the weather has been so odd. It started out way too hot...which meant treadmill running. And now, as I listen to the wind howling, it's a brisk 50 degrees outside.
I've "run" 3 miles twice this week. Not quite run non-stop, as my knee is killing me...a sure sign I may need to bite the bullet and invest in another pair of new shoes. But anywho, I was moving forward rapidly for 3 miles in a row twice this week. Monday night I hit the gym to run on the treadmill and strength train. And Wednesday morning, I met my BFF at our favorite park and we did our thing for 3 miles. We'll meet up again tomorrow morning, even though it's supposed to be quite chilly! I've already got my clothes set out and am ready to go.
The hubby and I watched "Fat Head" this week on Netflix. It was great to really talk about the food we are putting into our bodies. Let's face it, with 3 kids in sports, full-time graduate school and full-time work...I don't always have the time/energy to make a real meal, and we find ourselves grabbing food on the go quite a bit.
I've also had ZERO soda this week at work. Soda at work seems to be my weakness. I like the caffeine/sugar rush to keep me awake when I'm getting tired at 3am. I've been sticking to my ice water in my Patriots tervis tumbler.
Overall, it's been a pretty successful week for exercise and diet. Tomorrow is Friday, I am planning to walk/run 3 miles in the morning and possibly hit up the gym for some strength training. I have a date with my 7 year old son for dinner tomorrow night, and haven't quite decided where we are going.
Deep Dish Veggie Pizza
6 years ago
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