Monday, November 22, 2010

The Brady Bunch

I don't really like the kids watching mainstream commercialized television. In our location we have a Christian channel that shows some gold ol' fashion programming with no commercials. The hubby and I call it Christian PBS. We occasionally allow the kids to watch Little House on the Prairie or Gomer Pyle. However, lately the big thrill has come from watching the "new" show The Brady Bunch.

Funny how I used to have a crush on Greg Brady, and now I'm thinking that Mr. Brady is kindof dreamy! Also, my goodness, I so wish I could have every.single.outfit. in Carol Brady's wardrobe. Seriously, I was born in the wrong generation.

I will confess to feeling very unchristian coveting an Alice. I don't understand how Mrs. Brady is a SAHM, yet she has a chef, housekeeper, personal shopper, and basically all-around fun live-in girlfriend.

One of the things I notice tonight was that the kids have very few toys in their rooms/around the house. Nobody is playing the Wii arguing about who will be Mario and who will be Luigi. There aren't Lego's waiting to embed themselves into an unsuspecting foot. There are books, and radios and swingsets and friends over. As I work on my journey of re-organizing my unwinding life, I look with glee towards a simpler life.

1 comment:

  1. I'd really like an Alice too as selfish as that seems. :) Glad you are blogging again. I am locked out of my old "Little Wife" one and really need to get back in. I felt so centered back then.
