Friday, June 29, 2012

Ikea Hack: Bathroom Counter Top Clean-Up

Obviously I'm on break from school, because I'm cleaning like a maniac.  I've actually done 7 loads of laundry today.  One huge accomplishment that I'm super excited about was finding a cure for the clutter on my bathroom counter top.  

My little black rack there is actually a spice rack from Ikea.  They are in the kitchen knick-knack section.  I've seen people use the racks for holding books (which I've got them holding books in all of the kids' rooms, and in my office), but I decided I would actually consider using one of these spice racks to hold...ummm...spices.

So, back to Ikea to pick up a couple more wracks for spices. I decided on a whim to see if I could get my hair spray and other beauty paraphernalia to fit in the rack. I was stoked to see that I could indeed use the spice rack to hold all of the things that make me look and smell good! I put my 9 year old in charge of putting the rack together and helping to paint it with a glossy black paint to match the decor in my bathroom/bedroom.

 As you can see, for the past couple of years I've just been using a basket on the counter top.  And as you can see, I stink at putting stuff back in the basket!  And as if having a messy bathroom counter top isn't bad enough, this counter top happens to be located outside the main bathroom and in our bedroom (you can see our bed in the mirror).
Ta-Da!  Neatness.  I also went through all of the drawers and cabinets and weeded through things that needed to find another home.  I'm so excited about my clean counter top...I'm sure I'll leap out of bed at 5am to get ready for work tomorrow!

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