I bought these bento-style dishes two summers ago from Target and have put them through good use. I vary between using these dishes and my Laptop Lunchbox for bringing lunch to work. I also use these lunchboxes when packing up the kids to go to the park or beach - the hard plastic sides keep items from getting wet and soggy in the cooler, and the least amount of waste produced, the better.
The hubby is out at the shooting range with a buddy of his and so the kids and I are snacking and watching the game. We had a huge lunch around 2pm, and nobody was really hungry, so snacks it was!
Tonight's tasty snacks:
- Guacamole with tostito chips
- Celery with Peanut Butter (we are out of raisins) - otherwise known as Ants on a Log
- Cheese square
- Smoothie
Smoothie Recipe:
- 2 very ripe bananas
- 12 strawberries
- 1 1/2 c. Vanilla Flavored Almond Milk
- 2 c. ice (we like 'em cold!)
Makes enough for 4 juice-glass sized servings.
The kids have lost interest in the game, and it looks pretty painful watching the Pats getting beat, and so it looks like we'll be watching Transformers instead.
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