Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holy calories, Batman! and other randomness

I drink a lot of calories each day. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I've come to realize that all of the juice, soda and sweet tea that creeps into my diet is killing all of the cake, cookies and donuts that I'm not eating. And trust me, I'd love a donut right now. I could make it up to Dunkin' and back before any of the kids are awake.

In other news, I haven't been keeping up very well with my half-marathon training. Yup, that's right, I can barely make it around the block, and I've committed to running 13.1 miles on Disney property the last weekend of February. I have dusted off the treadmill, since the weather outside is frightful.

I've fallen in love with Greek Yogurt. It's expensive, but so yummy!

My kids have had WAY too much food coloring this past week and because of that have been very weepy. *sigh* Of course the colors of this holiday would be red and green (hiding blue in there!).

Must run, I have a child with Pink Eye, which is pretty much like being on house arrest with Mr. Magoo.

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